
Noise module that randomly displaces the input value before returning the output value from a source module.

@image html moduleturbulence.png

@a Turbulence is the pseudo-random displacement of the input value. The GetValue() method randomly displaces the ( @a x, @a y, @a z ) coordinates of the input value before retrieving the output value from the source module. To control the turbulence, an application can modify its frequency, its power, and its roughness.

The frequency of the turbulence determines how rapidly the displacement amount changes. To specify the frequency, call the SetFrequency() method.

The power of the turbulence determines the scaling factor that is applied to the displacement amount. To specify the power, call the SetPower() method.

The roughness of the turbulence determines the roughness of the changes to the displacement amount. Low values smoothly change the displacement amount. High values roughly change the displacement amount, which produces more "kinky" changes. To specify the roughness, call the SetRoughness() method.

Use of this noise module may require some trial and error. Assuming that you are using a generator module as the source module, you should first: - Set the frequency to the same frequency as the source module. - Set the power to the reciprocal of the frequency.

From these initial frequency and power values, modify these values until this noise module produce the desired changes in your terrain or texture. For example: - Low frequency (1/8 initial frequency) and low power (1/8 initial power) produces very minor, almost unnoticeable changes. - Low frequency (1/8 initial frequency) and high power (8 times initial power) produces "ropey" lava-like terrain or marble-like textures. - High frequency (8 times initial frequency) and low power (1/8 initial power) produces a noisy version of the initial terrain or texture. - High frequency (8 times initial frequency) and high power (8 times initial power) produces nearly pure noise, which isn't entirely useful.

Displacing the input values result in more realistic terrain and textures. If you are generating elevations for terrain height maps, you can use this noise module to produce more realistic mountain ranges or terrain features that look like flowing lava rock. If you are generating values for textures, you can use this noise module to produce realistic marble-like or "oily" textures.

Internally, there are three module::Perlin noise modules that displace the input value; one for the @a x, one for the @a y, and one for the @a z coordinate.

This noise module requires one source module.






double GetFrequency()

Returns the frequency of the turbulence.

double GetPower()

Returns the power of the turbulence.

int GetRoughnessCount()

Returns the roughness of the turbulence.

int GetSeed()

Returns the seed value of the internal Perlin-noise modules that are used to displace the input values.

int GetSourceModCount()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
double GetValue(double x, double y, double z)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
void SetFrequency(double frequency)

Sets the frequency of the turbulence.

void SetPower(double power)

Sets the power of the turbulence.

void SetRoughness(int roughness)

Sets the roughness of the turbulence.

void SetSeed(int seed)

Sets the seed value of the internal noise modules that are used to displace the input values.


double m_power;

The power (scale) of the displacement.

Perlin m_xDistortMod;

Noise module that displaces the @a x coordinate.

Perlin m_yDistortMod;

Noise module that displaces the @a y coordinate.

Perlin m_zDistortMod;

Noise module that displaces the @a z coordinate.

Inherited Members

From Mod



const(Mod) GetSourceMod(int index)

Returns a reference to a source module connected to this noise module.

int GetSourceModCount()

Returns the number of source modules required by this noise module.

double GetValue(double x, double y, double z)

Generates an output value given the coordinates of the specified input value.

void SetSourceMod(int index, const(Mod)* sourceMod)

Connects a source module to this noise module.

const(Mod)*[] m_pSourceMod;

An array containing the pointers to each source module required by this noise module.
